Toxic Exposure in Dogs: First Aid for Fido

Numerous foods, plants, and chemicals can poison your dog. The bathroom cabinet, the backyard, spoiled food scarfed on a walk, and human food taken from the counter or dropped from the kitchen table are common food poisoning in dogs. It doesn’t matter what kind of toxin your dog ingested or where it originated; here’s how to act fast to save its life.

Determine the Poison

If your dog appears to be in good health despite exposure to a toxin, you should still try to determine what kind of toxin he was exposed to and how he was exposed. But if your dog is acting unwell and/or you can’t tell when the exposure happened, it’s best to get him animal urgent care. Many cases of toxic exposure can be salvaged with prompt medical attention, especially if the toxins are removed before too much time has gone. Your veterinarian may be able to tell which toxin was consumed by conducting a physical examination and running lab tests.


If you or a family member has the time, you should figure out if it was breathed, ingested, or experienced through skin contact. Is this a potentially lethal plant? Perhaps it was some sort of deadly food. Has your dog been in contact with a toad or other animal? Was it a toxic chemical or a drug for people? Find out how much of the poison your dog ingested or inhaled. Collect the container the poison came in.

Seek Professional Assistance

Even if your dog seems fine, it’s still in your best interest to consult with a vet. It’s best not to wait until your dog becomes sick before seeking veterinary care. Always check with your vet before giving your dog any kind of treatment you saw online.


Contact your regular vet first if they are open. In the event of an after-hours poisoning, it is recommended that you contact a local animal hospital that offers emergency services. In this case, you should consult a veterinary surgeon in Parrish for guidance. What you should do in response to toxic exposure depends on the nature of the substance.

Prepare for an Emergency

In case you need to take your dog to a different veterinarian, it’s a good idea to have all of your dog’s medical documents in one place, including vaccination records, current prescriptions, food and drug allergies, identification, and so on. Ensure your dog has an ID tag on its collar or leash and is always close by the door.


Any sign of illness in your dog warrants a trip to the vet, regardless of whether or not you suspect poisoning. Symptoms of toxicity may not show for several hours or days after exposure. Symptoms, such as fatigue or loss of appetite, might be difficult to pin down. Seizures, collapsing, and trouble breathing are among the more serious symptoms of toxicity which may hopefully not require drastic measures like “putting dog to sleep” 

Prevention Is Better Than Cure

Try not to be exposed to poisons unless necessary. Trash and other potential hazards should be stored outside your dog’s reach. Products that are safe for pets should be used inside and outside the house. Be cautious not to spill any possibly poisonous foods while you’re cooking. If you have pets, choose flowers and plants that are safe for them. Your dog is best protected from harm before it happens. But even with the most stringent safety measures in place, toxicities may emerge. The good news is that you have access to helpful knowledge and tools that can help you if your dog is infected.