Canine Care: What You Need to Know About Valley Fever

If a dog comes into contact with fungi or is diagnosed with a fungal disease, it could get very sick. A certain kind of fungus is what makes people sick with Valley Fever. The cause of Valley Fever is a fungus called Coccidioides immitis. Because of this, Valley Fever is also called coccidioidomycosis. The fungus is a living thing that lives in the soil and does well in hot, dry places. This fungus grows well in the states of Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, Texas, and California. It is also very common in Mexico and most of South and Central America. More people get sick with the disease in the summer and late fall.

How does your dog catch valley fever?

Dogs only get Valley Fever in their lungs, and neither people nor other dogs can catch it. Fungal spores are the only thing that can cause Valley Fever. A strong cough can’t spread the infection. Dogs with Valley Fever have a fungal infection in their lungs called Valley Fever. This is often seen in desert-like places all over North America.


Because the fungus that causes valley fever is common in deserts, people should be especially careful to watch out for its symptoms. This disease can show up in two different ways, and each one is different. Read below to get more information

Primary Valley Fever

Most people with primary valley fever get sick three weeks after their first contact with the fungus. The most common manifestation is a cough that won’t go away. This is followed quickly by fever and a general feeling of being down. You might notice that your dog has ceased eating, is suddenly lazy, or is not interested in anything.

Disseminated Valley Fever

Disseminated valley fever is a lot worse than the other types. The disease has spread to other parts of your dog’s body, usually the bones and joints. Valley As a fever gets worse, it causes a lot of pain. Dogs can lose the use of their legs in very bad situations. If you don’t treat it, it can even spread to your dog’s nervous system, which can be fatal. If you haven’t already, call an emergency vet or go to the emergency animal hospital closest to you like vscot tucson as soon as you see signs of pain or strange behavior.


Both types of valley fever are bad for your dog’s health. If you notice any signs, you should call your vet right away.


The most common way to treat Valley Fever depends on how bad the disease is. Your vet will take blood samples and maybe x-rays which you could learn more if you click here to figure out what’s wrong with your pet. Then, he or she will decide what treatment to give and for how long. Most of the time, antifungal medicine is used to treat Valley Fever. Depending on how far the disease is, it can last anywhere from six months to a lifetime. Most of the time, the shorter the treatment will be, the earlier this disease is found.

In conclusion

Always keep in mind that your furry companion needs care and affection. Keep an eye out for signs of pet emergencies, like Valley Fever, to keep your dog happy and healthy. Your vet should check up on your pet at least twice a year. You should also know where a local animal hospital and emergency veterinarian care. To be ready for things like canine Valley Fever, keep an open line of communication with your vet about possible dangers and important symptoms to look out for. We have a special relationship with our dogs, and it’s our job to love and take care of them.

Harold Reaves

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